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Compounded Scar Reduction Creams



Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after we are injured.  It can occur from burns, surgery, and other types of trauma.

Here are some common types of scars :

•  Acne Scars: A very common type of scar that results from severe or moderate acne. Some acne scars are wavelike in appearance.

•  Keloid Scars: This type of scar can be a result of an overly aggressive healing process. They are often raised scars and can sometimes hinder movement for a patient.

•  Contracture Scars: Normally result from skin that has been burned.  This type of scar can cause the patient to have difficulty moving as the contracture scar often tightens skin. It may also affect nerves and muscles.

•  Hypertrophic scars: A raised and red scar, similar to a keloid scar, but different in that it stays within the boundaries of the injury site.

•  Stretch scars: Marks that occur when your body grows faster than your skin can keep up with. This causes the elastic fibers just under the surface of the skin to break, resulting in stretch marks.

Solutions for Treating Scars


There are various reasons why scars develop differently from one person to the next. Factors that characterize the type of scar may include the depth, size, and location of the injury or wound.

Compounded creams for the treatment of scars allow the pharmacist to combine the optimal dosage for a customized cream.  The pharmacist works with the patient and his or her physician to create a topical compound that can be used locally to minimize the appearance of scars.

While some scars naturally fade to faint lines, others remain darker and more apparent. The best time to treat scars,  is while they're in an early stage. Compounds prescribed by your dermatologist consist of ingredients design to aid your skin in the natural healing process and help those unsightly scars fad away.

Scars never disappear, but there are treatments that can assist in minimizing the scars.  Topical scar creams may accelerate healing and are designed to soften, smooth, flatten, lighten and improve the overall appearance of both old and new scars.

The active ingredients in scar creams can have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties.  They may also increase peripheral blood flow and block growth factors that lead to decreased collagen formation.



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